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Crime Trends in the Netherlands: Level, Backgrounds, Distribution and Prevention of Crime, 1980-1992

NCJ Number
A W M Eijken
Date Published
82 pages
Statistics and information address crime trends, crime distribution, victimization, victim and offender profiles, and crime prevention in the Netherlands from 1980 through 1992.
Data for this report were obtained from police statistics, national and business victimization surveys, and population surveys. Police statistics show that crime has increased considerably in the Netherlands during the 1970's and the first half of the 1980's. In the second half of the 1980's, there was a slight increase, and in 1990 a modest decrease occurred for the first time. In 1991 and 1992, police statistics again showed an increase in the number of recorded crimes. Statistics for 1992 show a significant increase in the number of robberies and car thefts, as well as the number of people killed or injured by firearms. Victimization surveys indicate that petty-crime rates are still increasing. Regarding fear of crime, the Dutch are becoming more concerned about their security. For 1993, 85 percent of the population foresees a crime increase, contrasted with 69 percent in 1992. Most crime occurs in the western, most urbanized police districts; cities with a high population density tend to have higher victimization rates. Although Dutch citizens were highly motivated to take crime- prevention measures during the 1980's, recently this effort has stabilized. Data on victim and offender characteristics are also provided. 36 tables and 62 references