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Crime Trends, 1990

NCJ Number
J Ahlberg
Date Published
153 pages
The National Council for Crime Prevention publishes an annual report on crime in Sweden. The 1990 report also contains trend analyses for the period between 1950 and 1990.
Crime types covered in this report include violent crime, sexual crime, robbery, burglary, theft of and from motor vehicles, property crime, fraud, driving under the influence, and drug-related crimes. In general, the annual rise in the crime rate has been relatively stable. From 1950 through 1964, the annual rise was quite modest, while since then, the average increase has been almost twice as great. The biggest crime categories are property crimes and crimes against the person. While 86,000 personal offenses were committed in 1990, there were only 3,700 serious violent crimes including homicide, manslaughter, and aggravated assault. Offenses committed against special penal legislation in 1990 included 74,000 traffic offenses and 27,000 violations of the Narcotics Drug Act.