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Crime in Texas, Calendar Year 1988

NCJ Number
Date Published
77 pages
With the number of offenses representing .1 percent of the State population, there was an estimated total of 1,345,688 Index Offenses in Texas during 1988.
Crimes within this index can be categorized as Violent Crimes which include Murder, Forcible Rape, Robbery, and Aggravated Assault or as Property Crimes which consist of Burglary, Larceny-Theft, and Motor Vehicle Theft. In addition to the above offenses, there were 9,428 cases of arson reported. Violent Crimes made up 8.1 percent of the Crime Index Total, with Murder accounting for .2 percent, Rape .6 percent, Robbery 2.9 percent, and Aggravated Assault 4.5 percent of the Total Index. As a group, Property Crimes made up 91.9 percent of the Total Index with Burglary accounting for 29.9 percent, Larceny-theft 55 percent, and Motor Vehicle Theft 10 percent of the Crime Index Total. Law enforcers cleared by arrest or exceptional clearance 20 percent of all Index Offenses reported to them in 1988. Forty-nine percent of the Violent Crimes were cleared while 17 percent of all Nonviolent Crimes were cleared. The total value of property stolen during 1988 in Texas was estimated at $1,534,836,979. Appendix