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Crime Stoppers Manual - How to Start and Operate a Program

NCJ Number
G MacAleese; H C Tily
Date Published
338 pages
This how-to manual details the establishment and operation of a Crime Stoppers program, consisting of coordinated efforts by media, citizens, and police to combat crime.
Startup steps include recruiting volunteers to form a nonprofit corporation and having media representatives participate regularly. Support of law enforcement personnel also needs to be arranged. Funds for rewards can be solicited from private citizens, business and industry, and civic, fraternal, and verterans' organizations. Methods for soliciting through personal contact, direct mail, special events, and media telethons, among others, are detailed, and recordkeeping is discussed. Regional Crime Stoppers organizations can be created to increase the number and effectiveness of local programs and to help solve crimes that involve government agencies or that are not normally handled by the local program. The role of the board of directors, the police coordinator, and the media are described, and fundraising methods are detailed. Additional discussions cover ethical issues, legal aspects, and the national organization. Extensive program materials from existing Crime Stoppers organizations and a list of references are appended to each chapter.