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Crime Statistics and Prevention of Crime in the Ukraine

NCJ Number
EuroCriminology Volume: 3 Dated: (1990) Pages: 161-163
ID Gladoush
Date Published
3 pages
The available data show crime rates to be permanently and rapidly on the increase in the Ukraine.
The 1988 crime total reached 242,974 cases in 1988, which is a 2.2 percent increase over 1987. Juveniles committed 20,832 crimes. Persons intoxicated with alcohol perpetrated 40,442 crimes. On the increase are the numbers of heinous crimes against the individual; these include thefts, robberies, and banditry. Today's offender is much younger and better educated. More than half of those at prison settlements have a previous criminal record, and treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction is enforced upon 25 percent of this group. At the same time the rate of crime has increased, no even slightly serious blunder has occurred in efforts to protect the public order in the Ukraine.