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Crime Profiles: The Anatomy of Dangerous Persons, Places, and Situations, Second Edition

NCJ Number
Terance D. Miethe; Richard C. McCorkle
Date Published
299 pages
This book examines the offender, victim, and situational elements surrounding seven major forms of crime.
The book devotes one chapter each to descriptive summaries of Homicide and Aggravated Assault; Sexual Assault; Robbery; Burglary; Motor Vehicle Theft; Occupational and Organizational Crime; and Public-Order Crimes. Each chapter focuses on the particular definition of the crime, trends in the frequency of occurrence, offender profile, victim profile, situational elements and circumstances, particular subsets of crime syndromes, crime prevention, and intervention strategies. Tables and charts summarize major trends. The book attempts to determine: (1) who are the offenders and victims; (2) the major motivators for crime; (3) whether most offenders are specialists or generalists, planners or opportunists; (4) offenders' criminal histories; (5) how often co-offenders are involved; (6) the common features of dangerous places, times, and situational dynamics; and (7) the effectiveness of current crime prevention strategies. Tables, figures, references, indexes


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