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Crime Prevention - Status and Trends 1986

NCJ Number
Date Published
93 pages
This volume summarizes the 1986 status of local crime prevention efforts, using an analysis of the content of the computerized data base of the National Crime Prevention Council, a report of the results of a survey of crime prevention practitioners, descriptions of State-level efforts, and summaries of the views of 10 crime prevention professionals.
At the end of a year's operation, the data base contained 1,100 organizations operating 2,817 programs. Three-quarters of the organizations were law enforcement organizations. The telephone survey asked a random sample of 100 crime prevention practitioners for their comments about crime and fear of crime in their communities, the nature and role of crime prevention efforts, and citizen attitudes toward crime prevention. The State-level survey covered all known State crime prevention offices and groups, as well as contacts in States without formal crime prevention programs. The 10 prevention professionals commented about the current status, problems, and future needs in crime prevention. They identified inner city residents and teenagers as the two audiences that crime prevention efforts still need to reach. Map, figures, tables.