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Crime Prevention Program

NCJ Number
Date Published
236 pages
This collection of educational materials presents course materials and organizational guidelines designed to facilitate crime prevention education in six areas: vandalism, home security, farm security, personal protection, development of a neighborhood watch program, and avoidance of fraud and con games.
The program guides aim to help county extension agents to present county programs on crime prevention. Community organizations and leaders should work closely with local law enforcement officials to develop a crime prevention program. Local leaders should organize a county crime prevention task force which includes community leaders, law enforcement officials, municipal judges, county judges, county and district attorneys, real estate brokers, locksmiths, and security company representatives. The six educational programs are suitable for civic clubs, farm organizations, women's organizations, realtors and homebuilders, and organizations for the elderly. Showing equipment such as electric engraving pencils and deadbolt locks can illustrate how these devices function and will strengthen the program presentations. Education on vandalism should help citizens understand who vandals are, what their motives and targets are, the laws and penalties associated with vandalism, and actions to deal with the problem. The home security education aims to encourage citizens to conduct home security surveys and to take measures to improve residential security. The program on farm security has such aims as helping rural residents become aware of facts about rural crime and ways to prevent it. The presentation on personal security focuses on helping participants choose personal safety practices which are appropriate for their physical ability and individual situation. The community watch program aims to motivate citizens to assume responsibility for their safety and property through participation in a neighborhood watch program. The program on fraud and con games aims to enable participants to recognize marketplace frauds, deceptions, and misrepresentations. For each subject area, reference lists, curriculum outlines, press releases, and related materials are provided. Publicity pamphlets are also included.