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Crime Prevention - A Necessity

NCJ Number
International Criminal Police Review Volume: 35 Issue: 354 Dated: (January 1982) Pages: 16-24
H P Vignola
Date Published
9 pages
The importance of crime prevention is noted, and activities under the various categories of crime prevention -- primary, secondary, and tertiary -- are listed, followed by an outline of the crime prevention program of the Montreal Urban Community Police Department (Canada).
Crime prevention, which involves cooperation between the police and individual citizens, neighborhoods, and private organizations and businesses, is the most cost-effective means of crime control. Primary crime prevention is aimed at protecting the potential crime target through the use of security devices, neighborhood protection schemes, crime prevention patrols, property identification programs, information programs aimed at modifying the behavioral patterns of potential victims, and inspections to identify and assess risk. Secondary prevention is designed to influence behavior and prevent the development of criminogenic situations by using school information programs, the identification of persons at risk of becoming offenders, information campaigns to inform citizens of the consequences of lawbreaking, the provision of leisure activities for target groups, and court sentences of an exemplary nature. Tertiary prevention is intended to eliminate or reduce the risk of an offense being committed by so countering the potential offender that a first or second offense is not committed and may include preventive arrest, detaining the offender, rehabilitation measures, social reintegration measures, and diversion. The crime prevention program of the Montreal Urban Community Police Department is currently involved in a publicity campaign to promote crime prevention with simple and practical advice to the public. The campaign includes television commercials, radio commercials, envelope messages on crime prevention, matchbook covers illustrating crime prevention, billboards, public transportation posters, published interviews with popular personalities, posters in public places, and magazine articles.


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