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Crime Prevention Manual

NCJ Number
J Cytryn
Date Published
10 pages
Intelligent use of security devices and increased involvement of local residents can reduce the incidence of crime.
The most common point of entry used by intruders is the door, and doors with glass panels are especially vulnerable. Solid core doors or doors covered with sheet metal offer the best protection. A peephole should be installed on each entry door. Deadbolt and dropbolt locks are best because they can only be locked with a key. Windows most susceptible to entry include those on the first floor, those leading to fire escapes, and those located over canopy structures. Bars, grilles, or mesh should be used over skylights. Solid building construction is the best deterrent to entry through walls, ceilings, and floors. In addition, alarm systems serve as both deterrents and security devices. Other strategies to prevent criminal intrusion and theft are mentioned. Sketches are provided.