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Crime Prevention Assistants in Belgium: Job Insecurity at the Service of Public Order (Les Assistants de Prevention et de Securite en Belgique: La Precarite au Service de la Securite?)

NCJ Number
Les Cahiers de la Securite Interieure Issue: 40 Dated: 2000 Pages: 119-135
Sybille Smeets; Thierry Hendrickx
Frederic Ocqueteau
Date Published
17 pages
Since 1996, a new group of actors in the public security sector in Belgium, crime prevention assistants, has replaced persons formerly involved in the informal maintenance of public tranquility.
The creation of this new service of crime prevention assistants is part of the Belgian government's active social role in linking crime prevention and employment via the attribution of welfare payments. Broadly speaking, the crime prevention assistants symbolize contemporary political trends in the welfare domain and pose certain questions concerning the choices made by local and federal authorities. 23 references