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Crime Prevention and Realities

NCJ Number
EuroCriminology Volume: 1 Dated: (1987) Pages: 77-92
J Vigh
Date Published
16 pages
This paper considers the need for crime prevention, prevention possibilities, legal regulation, and the classification of crime prevention in Hungary.
Studies in Hungary indicate that crime prevention can result from improving family education, raising the educational standards of primary schools, helping children and young people spend their leisure time productively, eliminating social injustices, attaining better labor discipline, and reducing corruption. Although criminogenic factors associated with social and economic circumstances will likely result in more crime, the concept of responsibility is considered to be crucial with respect to crime prevention. A distinction is also made between material and nonmaterial means of crime prevention, especially in the context of socialism versus privatization. In addition, legal regulation is essential in crime prevention, and the category into which crime prevention should be placed occupies a central position in crime prevention. In Hungary, crime prevention organs are generally attached to public prosecutor offices. Crime prevention in the long run is closely related to a well- organized social system and to the ideological and political outlook of citizens. 12 footnotes