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Crime Prevention and the Police: Eindhoven, May 2-3 1991; Conference Proceedings

NCJ Number
Date Published
108 pages
During a 2-day seminar in Eindhoven, Netherlands, (May 2-3, 1991), some 50 crime prevention and police experts representing Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Republic of Ireland, France, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and The United Kingdom discussed the future role of the police in crime prevention.
Speeches cover experiences and trends in The Netherlands and the United States regarding police involvement in crime prevention. Other papers presented at the seminar focus on the changing roles of police and the importance of crime prevention activities in contemporary and future policing. Separate sections of this report describe how each of the countries represented at the seminar has organized for crime prevention. Conference participants reached a consensus on recommendations for police crime prevention. The recommendations are in the areas of information, planning, managerial and operational tasks, and international collaboration. Information recommendations pertain to the collection, processing, and analysis of police data so as to facilitate the planning of crime prevention activities. Recommendations for planning focus on police cooperation with community representatives and the structuring of crime-prevention operations. Recommendations pertinent to managerial and operational tasks address how the police should organize to make crime prevention a priority for a police agency. Recommendations in the area of international collaboration cover information exchange and funding for various projects.