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Crime in New York State: 2011 Preliminary Data

NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2012
13 pages
This report presents 2011 preliminary data on crime in New York State, which consists of the most recent information available on the number of Index crimes and rates per 100,000 population for each county in New York State.
The most recent 2011 crime data indicate that crime volume in New York State declined slightly between 2010 and 2011. In 2011, there was a 1.1-percent decrease in the seven major Index crimes compared to 2010. Violent Index crime categories increased 1.7 percent, and property-crime categories declined by the same percentage. The largest declines were reported for murder (10.4-percent decline) and motor-vehicle theft (8.7-percent decline); aggravated assault and burglaries increased 3.6 percent and 0.1 percent, respectively, compared with 2010. The New York City region reported a 5.6-percent increase in violent crimes between 2010 and 2011. Murders declined 3.9 percent, and all other violent-crime categories increased. Property crime in New York City increased slightly in 2011. The rest of the State reported decreases in violent crimes between 2010 and 2011 (5.1-percent decline) as well as property crimes (3.0-percent decline). The number of murders fell by 20.9 percent, the largest annual decrease in murders ever reported in the counties outside of New York City. Trends in violent crimes by a firearm are reported for 2002-2011. The change in overall Index crime rates and crime volume are reported for 2002 compared with 2011. Trends in regional crime are also reported for 2002 compared to 2011. Extensive figures and tables