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Crime in Kentucky, 1980 - Uniform Crime Reports - Annual Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
125 pages
This annual report presents offense and arrest data compiled in 1980 by the State, county, and local law enforcement agencies of Kentucky as part of the Kentucky Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
Data are given on murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, breaking and entering, larceny, and auto theft offenses. For each type of offense, the report presents a definition and information on the clearance rate, where the offenses occurred in the State, when the offenses occurred by month and sometimes by day of the week, and type of offender. State offense data are classified according to reported crimes, crime rate, crimes against property, crimes against persons, property crimes and robbery, crime trends, total crime index offenses by month, and offense data by county and city. State arrest data include clearance rates, demographic information, breakdowns by narcotic arrests and by gambling arrests, and other information. In addition, the report includes police employee data. The report notes that in 1980, there were 124,990 Part I index crimes reported to law enforcement agencies in Kentucky, 11.3 percent more than in 1979. Graphs, tables, pie charts, and an organizational chart are included.