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Crime in Indian Country: Another 'Trail of Tears'

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 15 Issue: 6 Dated: (1987) Pages: 485-494
K Peak; J Spencer
Date Published
10 pages
This article explores the status of crime among the American Indian population.
Quantitative information regarding Indian offenses and arrests is presented and placed into the large spectrum of social problems afflicting Indian society. Some quantitative comparisons are made with a similar study conducted in 1964. Trend analyses were performed, and projections are provided relevant to total, adult, and juvenile Indian arrests; rates of arrest for Total, UCR Part 1, and alcohol-related offenses are also given. Indian crime data are compared with those of other ethnic groups. The Indian propensity for arrests involving alcohol-related offenses is discussed in detail. The frequency of crimes on- and off-reservation is analyzed, particularly with respect to violent crimes; data are examined to determine the most frequent types of police contacts that Indian offenders experience. (Author abstract)


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