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Crime, Criminological Research, and Criminal Policy in West and East Germany Before and After Their Unification

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1992) Pages: 66-74
H J Schneider
Date Published
9 pages
This article examines crime criminological research, and criminal justice policy in West and East Germany before and after unification, and it recommends steps that can prevent crime in the unified state.
The study first examines the political economic, and social structures of the two German states before their unification, as well as the extent and structure of criminological research and social control in both states. These issues are also examined for the period after unification. Sources for study data included documents and other material stored in the East Berlin ministries. Experts were also questioned on the nature of crime and criminal justice in the five new Federal States in the former East Germany and in East Berlin. The study examines the ways in which the emerging economic, social, technological, and scientific developments will influence crime causation. It also analyzes how the transformation of the political and economic structure in the five new Federal States will impact the development of criminality. The analysis addresses how the Federal Republic of Germany will cope with the problems caused by the attitudes toward criminal justice held by the formerly suppressed citizens of East Germany. 12 references