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Crime Around Police Precinct Stations in Minneapolis (MN) (A Methodological Review) (From Link Between Crime and the Built Environment, Volume 2, P C439-C443, 1980, by Tetsuro Motoyama et al - See NCJ-79544)

NCJ Number
T Motoyama; H Rubenstein; P Hartjens
Date Published
5 pages
This review assesses the Minnesota Crime Prevention Center's investigation of whether the crime rates in areas near police precinct stations are lower than in other areas of Minneapolis.
The study identified the crime rates (densities) at various distances from the precinct stations. Comparisons were made among the crime rates found at each successive (farther) distance from the station. Comparisons were also made between crime rates near the precinct station and overall rates for the entire precinct. The study concluded that there is no evidence of less crime in the immediate vicinity of precinct stations when compared to entire precincts. This conclusion is supported by the data; however, because of possible reporting bias problems, the conclusion should be qualified to take into account the hypothesized relationship between proximity to police precinct stations and reported crime levels. Further, the conclusion is limited to the study area and should not be generalized beyond the study precincts. The study has merit in its ability to describe the relationship between reported crime levels and proximity to police precinct stations. For the original report, see NCJ 52882. (Author summary modified)