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Crime in Arkansas, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
134 pages
This analysis of crimes committed in Arkansas in 1991 is based on summary information submitted by law enforcement agencies as part of the State's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program.
The statistics presented here include only the number of arrests and incidents known and reported by law enforcement agencies; data relating to prosecution, adjudication, and corrections are excluded. In 1991, the number of serious crimes reported in Arkansas increased 7.5 percent over the previous year; there was an increase of 9.7 percent in arrests. The first section of the report describes the UCR program in Arkansas, its purposes, reporting procedures, and the State crime index. The 1991 crime rates are briefly summarized followed by a description of the 1991 crime index data for murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. A separate section covers statistics on assaults of law enforcement officers. Two subsequent sections discuss crime index offenses by contributor and the value of stolen and recovered property. Finally, the report presents arrest data and law enforcement employee data.