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Crime in Arizona 1998

NCJ Number
Date Published
128 pages
This report presents statistics on the nature and extent of crime in Arizona during 1998, based on data in the Arizona Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
A total of 300,910 Crime Index Offenses were reported in 1998, including 26,281 violent crimes and 274,629 property crimes. The highest numbers of offenses were reported in January; the lowest numbers were reported in December. The value of property stolen amounted to more than $417 million in 1998. Stolen motor vehicles accounted for 54.4 percent of the total stolen property and 91.4 percent of the total recovered property. The crime rate for 1998 for Arizona was 6,316 crimes per 100,000 population, based on an estimated population of 4,764,025. A total of 54,706 persons were arrested for index offenses, including 38,559 arrests of adults and 16,147 arrests of juveniles. Males accounted for 75.4 percent of the index arrests. The clearances amounted to 18.2 percent of the reported index offenses. Figures and tables