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Crime and Misconduct Commission Annual Report 2006-07

NCJ Number
Date Published
115 pages
This sixth annual report of the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) of Queensland covering the 2006-2007 financial year in accordance with the provisions of Section 46J of the Financial Administration and Audit Act of 1977 offers as assessment on the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the CMC.
For the time period of 2006-2007 the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) carried out 107 misconduct investigations, involving the most serious cases of misconduct, or those that involved the public interest. Over this same time period, the CMC had restrained about $11.74 million and confiscated about $4 million in property from crime figures in Queensland, representing a significant increase from the previous year. Additional highlights of the year 2006-2007 include: (1) disruption and dismantling of two major organized crime networks: a European ethnic-based drug syndicate and a drug-trafficking network based on an outlaw motorcycle gang; (2) maintenance of 100-percent success rate in the witness protection service; and (3) the strengthening of relationships with a broad range of partners. Highlights of priorities and challenges identified for 2007-2008 include: (1) fighting pedophilia; (2) monitoring trends in organized crime; (3) balancing investigative and capacity-building activities; (4) assessing the changing environment for new threats; (5) enhancing the governance framework; and (6) relocating the CMC. In the area of finances, highlights for 2006-2007 include: (1) $35.012 million was the operating grant received from the State government which was less than 2 percent of the Queensland law, order and public safety policy budget; (2) total current and non-current assets as of 2007 totaled $7.705 million; and (3) the CMC’s net equity as of 2007 was $4.932 million. This annual report relates to the goals and strategies outlined in the CMC strategic plan for the period 2006-2010 and to business plans for the period 2006-2007. The report focuses on combating major crime, reducing misconduct and improving public sector integrity, protecting witnesses, operations support, engaging in public policy, and organizational capability. Appendixes A-G and financial statements