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Crime and Justice in America - Sourcebook

NCJ Number
M Hellman
Date Published
51 pages
This sourcebook provides program ideas and resources on 15 crime and criminal justice topics intended to help in the planning of community education programs.
The topics suggested for weekly or monthly education sessions are crime, white-collar, organized, urban crime, sex and crime, race and crime, the philosophy of criminal law and its limits and civil liberties. Additional topics are law enforcement in a free society; pretrial detention (bail or jail); plea bargaining and sentencing; a historical and future perspective of punishment; and the prison community. For each of these topics, background material is suggested from popular periodicals and books. Program suggestions and resources are also suggested, along with discussion questions. Organizations that can provide resources such as speakers, films, or handouts are listed and described, together with descriptions of particular publications and films they can provide. In the concluding section, a bibliography of films lists and describes the content of films for each suggested topic. Most of the films are available from community or educational film libraries for modest rental fees.