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Crime and Delinquency in California, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
135 pages
This report contains information on the nature and extent of crime and delinquency in California during 1980 and describes the manner in which criminal justice is administered in the State. It is based on data compiled from reports by State and local criminal justice agencies.
From 1979 to 1980, there was a 10-percent rate increase in total crimes and a 6.7-percent increase in the number of total arrests. A total of 25.4 percent of the 189,303 adult felony arrestees who received a final disposition in 1980 were released by law enforcement and prosecutors, and 55.8 percent of the arrestees were convicted. From 1979 to 1980, there was a 2.3-percent increase in the number of adults under supervision, a 1.1-percent decrease in the number of initial referrals to probation departments, and a 23.2-percent increase in total criminal justice agency expenditures reported. Total criminal justice agency personnel increased by 4.4 percent from 1979-80. Tables, graphs, and pie charts illustrate the data. An appendix presents a glossary of criminal justice terms, known data limitations, and arrest offense codes.