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Crime in 1994

NCJ Number
Revija za Kriminalistiko in Kriminologijo Volume: 46 Issue: 2 Dated: (April-June 1995) Pages: 103-121
S Svetek
Date Published
18 pages
This article presents the number and clearance rates of cases handled by Slovene police officers and criminal investigators in 1994 and draws comparisons to the previous year.
The officers investigated 43,635 crimes (1.5 percent fewer than in 1993), and cleared up 57.46 percent. Among the suspects, 31,787 were charged with offenses; 24.4 percent of these (24.8 percent in 1993) were below the age of 18. Offenders caused damages totalling 28.0 billion tolars (as opposed to 11.6 billion tolars in 1993). This considerable increase was largely due to two major business offenses which totalled 14 billion tolars in damages. Although the total number of offenses has decreased slightly, the number of serious and violent crimes has increased. This alarming trend is especially visible in drug abuse, organized crime, violent crime, organized illegal crossings of the state border, and prostitution. In juvenile crime, an increase in extortion, serious crimes against persons and property, and drug abuse has been observed. Economic crime has seen a rise in business fraud, while the total number of economic offenses has remained relatively constant in comparison to 1993. Detailed statistical charts are included.