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Creative Stress Management for Law Enforcement and Corrections

NCJ Number
P A Hansen
Date Published
128 pages
This self-help manual teaches stress management techniques for law enforcement and correctional officers in stress-producing work environments.
It explains the psychophysiology of stress and the relationship of chronic stress to disease, as well as stress-inducing working conditions (constant danger, shift work, etc.). One coping technique is autogenic training, a systematic way of teaching the body and mind to relax quickly and return to a normal state (homeostasis). Other approaches involve exercise, nutrition, and awareness of drug effects (from nicotine, caffeine, Valium, etc.). The manual teaches methods of alleviating headaches by applying pressure to points on the hands and head. Understanding and exploiting the body's energy centers (Chakras), as identified in oriental metaphysics, provides self-protection against environmental stressors, including 'toxic' people. Advanced stress management involves analyzing and manipulating one's belief system in order to cope with inner conflicts without punishing oneself. Individuals can also analyze their use of somatic language to reduce its stress content. The manual teaches how to avoid burnout, manage time effectively, and improve productivity. Charts, 49 references, and a list of stress management resources (including relaxation training tapes) are provided. Lists of common stressors and responses are supplied, as are scales, forms, and worksheets useful in gauging stress.