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Creating Safe Neighborhoods, Safe Streets, Safe Schools, Safe Workplaces Using Illinois' Drug Laws

NCJ Number
Date Published
16 pages
This handbooks describes the Illinois drug laws and explains how citizens can eliminate illegal drugs from their neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces. It uses case examples of how the State's laws are being used successfully.
Most of the case examples involve cooperative efforts among individuals, community groups, and local law enforcement officials and prosecutors. Citizens are advised to call their local police department when they see illegal drug activity or driving under the influence, keep records of their calls, and organize a neighborhood group to report illegal drug activity. They should also make sure that their family members are aware that they should not drive after drinking, should become involved with school board and local school efforts to address drug abuse, should help establish drug-free workplace policies, and should urge drug-abusing co-workers to seek treatment through an employee assistance program or outside treatment source. Photographs and lists of resources