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Crash Characteristics and Injuries of Victims Impaired by Alcohol Versus Illicit Drugs

NCJ Number
Accident Analysis and Prevention Volume: 29 Issue: 6 Dated: 1997 Pages: 817-827
P. F. Waller; F. C. Blow; R. F. Maio; K. Singer; E. M. Hill; N. Schaefer
Date Published
11 pages
This study compared the injuries sustained in motor vehicle crashes in which victims were impaired by alcohol or one or more of three illicit drugs (marijuana, cocaine, and opiates).
Subjects were recruited from patients presenting to two emergency departments, one in a large university hospital certified as a Level I trauma center and the other in a large community teaching hospital affiliated with the university hospital. Data collection occurred over a 29-month period in the university hospital (April-August 1994) and a 15-month period in the community hospital (April 1993-June 1994). All patients were presenting for treatment of a motor-vehicle crash injury. Alcohol testing was conducted by whole blood analysis using gas chromatography. Drug testing was also performed on whole blood. Blood samples were obtained from 894 patients. Results were related to demographic characteristics, including prior history of alcohol and drug use; crash characteristics; and injury characteristics. Alcohol was associated with more severe crashes, but other drugs, in the absence of alcohol, were not. The crashes that involved drugs but no alcohol were similar to those that involved neither alcohol nor drugs. To the extent that this study's findings may be generalized to other geographical regions, screening for alcohol alone may have greater potential impact on highway safety than more extensive and expensive drug screening. 3 tables and 32 references