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COVID-19 and Child Sex Trafficking: Qualitative Insights on the Effect of the Pandemic on Victimization and Service Provision

NCJ Number
Public Health Reports Dated: August 2024
Jennifer E. O’Brien; Lisa M. Jones; Kimberly J. Mitchell; Gina Zwerling Kahn
Date Published
August 2024
7 pages

This qualitative study examines the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on child sex trafficking victimization and service provision.


In this qualitative study, researchers examined service providers’ perspectives on how the pandemic affected trajectories of CST victimization among young people in the United States. Researchers found 3 overarching themes related to the pandemic’s effect on CST victimization trajectories: grooming, perpetration, and service provision. Participants described how increased online activity may have increased the risk of CST, even among children without traditional risk factors. However, technology also facilitated young people’s agency in seeking help and receiving services. In addition, participants reported increases in virtual service provision that facilitated access to, and availability of, CST services more generally. The researchers conclude that technology use among young people increased during the pandemic, leading to increases in the risks of experiencing technology-facilitated CST. Technology use among young people who experience CST victimization—and how it may differ from young people more generally—is underexplored and may provide insights into prevention and treatment. Collectively, results highlight the need for epidemiologic research to help identify how global and national events affect trajectories of victimization among young people. Child sex trafficking (CST) is the involvement of minors in the commercial exchange of sex for goods, services, drugs, or money. The COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected many risk factors associated with CST victimization and the availability of CST services. Researchers collected qualitative data from 80 law enforcement professionals and service providers working with young people affected by CST from 11 US cities. Semistructured interviews lasted approximately 1 hour and were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim, and coded via a grounded theory approach. (Published Abstract Provided)

Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

999 N. Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20531, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Research (Applied/Empirical)
United States of America