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Court Statistical Data Collections - A Study of Overseas Developments

NCJ Number
W U Johnston
Date Published
100 pages
Summaries are provided of about 75 interviews conducted in 10 States, the District of Columbia, Canada, and the United Kingdom to learn about recent developments in the collection, processing, and reporting of court statistics.
The interviews were conducted between July and October 1980. Organizations whose staff members were interviewed include administrative offices of various State courts, State and Federal agencies, private organizations, and British and Canadian agencies. The interviews focused on the types of forms used, the extent of computer use for processing data, the types of reports issued, and the volume of data processed. The use of on-line systems for such activities as case indexing, docketing, case tracking, and recording short versions of court minutes is also described. Specific automated systems such as the Prosecutor's Management Information System (PROMIS) are also discussed. Special studies and other analytical uses of the court data are also outlined. An index and a list of about 300 documents obtained from the agencies visited are included.