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Court Reform Through Role Reform - The Role of the Judge as an Instrument of Reform (From Symposium on Judicial Reform, Philip L Dubois, ed. See NCJ-84719)

NCJ Number
Policy Studies Journal Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Dated: (June 1982) Pages: 701-712
H M Kritzer
Date Published
12 pages
It has long been recognized that judges are important not only as initiators and proponents of court reform but are central to the implementation of reform. Additionally, however, it has been proposed that judges assume a role which would make them important instruments of reform. This paper examines some of the recent proposals for greater judicial intervention in pretrial processing of civil cases.
Drawing on several data sources, the degree to which such proposals would represent a departure from current practice and the evidence for the effects of the proposed changes are examined. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of changes in the judicial role. (Author abstract)


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