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Court Officer: Meet the Press

NCJ Number
Media Studies Journal Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Dated: (Winter 1992), 95-103
R Fanning
Date Published
9 pages
This article, written by the Minnesota State court system information officer, describes how she acted as a liaison between the courts and the media to provide the public with information needed to preserve and enhance the judiciary.
The court system information officer facilitates the relationship between judges and reporters by helping judges become comfortable talking to journalists from the mass media and by helping reporters understand the complexities of the court system. This author interviewed many judges when she took on her position and found that most described media relations as their most frustrating task. While judges are bound by the Code of Judicial Conduct, she was able to devise a program to teach judges how to be more in charge and effective in interviews and to teach journalists the basics of the court system. Seminars held over a 2-year period were attended by 161 State judges and by more than 200 reporters and editors in print and broadcast media. The author recommends that judges and journalists hold a pretrial meeting when covering high-profile cases, that both establish rapport with individuals within each system, and that both read and observe court coverage.


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