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County of Los Angeles Interagency Gang Task Force

NCJ Number
Date Published
32 pages
The Los Angeles Interagency Gang Task Force was established in 1980 in order to develop cooperative strategies and programs to reduce the level of gang violence in Los Angeles County. In addition to preparing written reports on various aspects of gang activity, the Task Force plays an advisory role to the Board of Supervisors, cosponsored a statewide conference on community mobilization strategies, developed a newsletter for individuals and organizations involved in anti-gang efforts, developed a public agency and community organization resource guide, collaborated in the development of a law enforcement data base, and implemented a pilot program to target interagency resources in high risk areas.
This report presents the organizational rules of the Task Force and delineates its major objectives for 1990. The missions of each of the Task Force components -- Community Mobilization Committee, Education Committee, and Executive Committee -- are outlined. The Task Force has established guidelines related to endorsement or sponsorship of proposals for grant funding, which are discussed in this report. Endorsement criteria and nominee review procedures are followed in awarding the Task Force Community Service Awards, which recognize individuals and groups who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment to reducing gang activity in Los Angeles. An analysis of trends in gang violence, including a profile of cultural gangs, instrumental gangs, Asian street gangs, and drug trafficking gangs, led to recommendations including the adoption in concept of a county youth-at-risk advocacy program, expansion of the Task Force's Reduction of Street Violence Project, support of Community Youth Gang Services, expansion of anti-truancy programs, expansion of substance and alcohol prevention and treatment programs, establishment of parental responsibility and accountability programs, expansion of juvenile detention facility capacity, and encouragement of greater communication and coordination among involved programs.

Corporate Author
Los Angeles Cty Interagency Gang Task Force

500 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, United States

Publication Format
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Issue Overview
United States of America