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County Jail Survey

NCJ Number
J O'Keefe
Date Published
12 pages
Data and information are provided on the populations, conditions, and services of 28 out of the 98 Illinois County jails, including the Cook County jail.
The tabular data are presented for the jails under the following categories of jail capacity: (1) fewer than 50 beds, (2) 50-100 beds, and (3) 100-400 beds. Information on the Cook County jail is presented separately. The tabular data on these various categories of jails cover county population, the county's crime rate, the jail population on the day of the visit, the jail capacity, the number of pretrial detainees, and the number of residents serving jail sentences. Information is also provided on the ages of the jails, the ratio of pretrial detainees to sentenced inmates, the crimes with which pretrial detainees had been charged, jail conditions, staff training, food costs and quality, suicide prevention measures, provisions for inmate classification, medical care, educational programs, and volunteer programs. Attention is also given to adherence to Illinois Department of Corrections County Jail Standards. Other jail programs, such as work release, are also considered. Tabular data on the Cook County jail are the same as for the jail categories, and information is provided on the physical facilities, work release, length of stay, medical services, the correctional officers, food services, education, recreation, phones and visits, counseling services, and cleanliness.