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County Detention Facilities Daily Inmate Population Data: Monthly Report, April 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
22 pages
This monthly statistical report on the daily inmate population for Florida's county detention facilities encompasses April of 1992.
The inmate population in county detention facilities averaged 36,900 in April 1992, a 1.8-percent increase from March 1992. This population included 32,163 adult males (87.2 percent), 3,872 adult females (10.5 percent), and 865 juvenile offenders (2.3 percent). Of the total inmate population, 73.4 percent were incarcerated for felony offenses, and 20.8 percent were detained for misdemeanors. Those held for trial constituted 57.1 percent of the inmate population, and 26.1 percent had been sentenced for either felonies or misdemeanors. Inmates detained for probation violations composed 8.9 percent of the inmate population. The statewide county detention rate was 2.7 per 1,000 county residents based on the population estimate for 1990-91. In April 1992, 17.91 percent of the 67 Florida counties had average daily inmate populations that exceeded their Department of Corrections rate capacity between 1 and 25 percent; the remaining 55 counties were at or below capacity. 4 tables and 3 figures