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Counseling Women in Prison

NCJ Number
J M Pollock
Date Published
229 pages
This volume presents an overview of female offenders and women's prisons and discusses sociological and organizational issues that have relevance to counselors who work with these offenders.
The discussion is intended use by institutional counselors, correctional officers, psychologists, and psychiatrists who provide either individual or group counseling to female offenders. It is intended to provide the correctional professional or the student who plans to enter this area with information about criminological theory, the nature of the prison setting, selected inmate programs, background characteristics of female offenders. Topics include assessment issues, needs analysis, the relationship between drugs and crime, inmate drug treatment, family issues such as childhood abuse and inmates as partners and parents, personality disorders in prison, life skills development, feminism, and cultural issues. It also provides information on the implications of each issue for the counselor. Charts, index, list of resource organizations, and approximately 200 references (Publisher summary modified)