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Counseling Sexual Assault Victims Who Become Pregnant After the Assault: Benefits and Limitations of First-Trimester Paternity Determination

NCJ Number
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1992) Pages: 205-210
L P Shulman; D Muram; P M Speck
Date Published
6 pages
This article draws implications for sexual-assault victim counseling from a case study of a patient with a 2-year history of infertility who, after being sexually assaulted during the cycle of conception, used first-trimester chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and DNA studies for paternity identification.
On the 13th day after the onset of her last menses, the patient reported that she was assaulted by a stranger, with the assailant reportedly ejaculating within her vagina. She also reported having had intercourse with her husband on the 11th day after the onset of her last menses during the same cycle. A home pregnancy test was positive 7 weeks after the onset of her last menstrual period. DNA analysis indicated that her husband was most likely the biological father, and the woman elected to continue the pregnancy which issued in the delivery of a healthy boy. Despite a slight increased risk for pregnancy loss from prenatal invasive procedures and potential inaccuracies of DNA paternity testing, such testing can be offered to victims of sexual assault who become pregnant during the time frame of the assault. A prior decision either to terminate or continue a pregnancy based on prenatal paternity results should not be a prerequisite for offering such services. Ongoing counseling can be vitally important to a woman and her family in the resolution of the difficult problems raised after sexual assault and conception. 1 table and 5 references