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Council on Community Services for Youth and Families

NCJ Number
Date Published
6 pages
This document outlines the budget and work group and related activities of the Council on Community Services for Youth and Families as of October 15, 1990.
The Council remains one of the few initiatives to be funded. Its budget is $768,975 for fiscal year 1990-1991 and $1,331,000 for fiscal year 1991-1992. Eighty percent of the budget is to be allocated to local demonstration projects. The task of the Model Services Work Group is to develop a long range interagency plan for providing and funding an "adequate complement" of services for families and youth in, or at risk of, out-of-home placement in each local community as well as to develop and implement a regional/local interagency planning process. The intent of the demonstration grants is to establish the means for controlling the costs of residential care and to improve service delivery to children with emotional and/or behavioral problems and their families. The Tracking Work Group will establish a small interagency data base to provide management reports on demographics, services, and costs of children in residential care. The Training Work Group will create mechanisms and strategies for coordinating education, development, and training and will share these resources with community agencies. Members of the Council are identified. 1 figure and 2 tables