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Corruption and Democracy

NCJ Number
C V Trang
Date Published
246 pages
These papers from a 1994 conference held in Hungary focused on both the technical issues of corruption, as well as its impact on the transition process in Eastern and Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union.
The discussions focused not only on the distortion of market behavior by corrupt institutions or practices, but also on how to safeguard political and economic reform initiatives to ensure the successful transition to democratic, market-oriented societies and ultimately, how to create and maintain effective and accountable governments. Individual papers focused on the structural aspects of corruption, corruption in South America, the reduction of bribery in the public sector, and traditions of corruption in Eastern Europe. Additional papers focused on the nature of corruption during the privatization process; the role of money laundering; criminal codes relating to corruption in Germany, Switzerland, and the United States; and efforts to prosecute corrupt practices in Romania, Hungary, Italy, and New York City. Further papers focused on conflicts of interest, disclosure rules, the role of the media and nongovernmental organizations in addressing corruption, the role of the special prosecutor, and censorship. Footnotes and appended international documents related to corruption