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Corrections in the Nineties

NCJ Number
Criminology Australia Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Dated: (October/November 1990) Pages: 19-21
R Kidney
Date Published
3 pages
The work of the Offenders Aid and Rehabilitations Services (OARS) in South Australia is described with particular focus on the challenge of the nineties.
OARS is a non-governmental welfare agency providing rehabilitation services to offenders and care for their dependents through community volunteers. It focuses on development of relationships between inmates and community volunteers. It provides prison services including regular visits, advice on business and family affairs, and counseling for drug problems. It operates houses in the community offering board for residents to care for themselves. OARS maintains community relations through a publication, speakers at meetings, and operation of thrift shops. Other services include a family center with parenting and citizenship courses, a youth home, a 100-acre farm. It also includes a housing cooperative for ex-offenders and their families and a weekly radio program. Post release programs, special aboriginal programs, and family welfare services in which activities are planned for prisoners children are also provided. The challenge of the nineties is to rely more on community-based alternatives rather than prisons.