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Corrections in Crisis

NCJ Number
Date Published
80 pages
This report provides recommendations for dealing with prison overcrowding and staff and facility deficiencies in Maine.
Community corrections recommendations deal with State reimbursement to counties, probation and correctional staff workloads, workers compensation, purchase service funds, and juvenile offender evaluation. Sentencing recommendations suggest changes in probation terms and the murder statute, greater use of postrelease supervision and intensive supervision, establishment of youth aid offices in courts and a board of community placements, and reestablishment of a sentencing guidelines commission. Correctional management recommendations deal with central office organization, inmate classification, information development and management research, institutional programs, paid work for inmates, and industrial programs. Others consider medical and mental health services and staff training. Selected legislative issues also are addressed. Appendixes provide supplemental information.

Corporate Author
Maine Governor's Task Force on Corrections

State Office Building, Augusta, ME 04330, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Legislation/Policy Analysis
United States of America