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Corrections in Canada

NCJ Number
Colin Goff
Date Published
224 pages
This book presents an overview of the Federal corrections system in Canada.
Chapters cover the following areas, with selected sub-topics: (1) Crime and Corrections in Contemporary Canada (costs of incarceration, demographic profile of the typical inmate, changing policy toward imprisonment); (2) Correctional Ideologies (incapacitation, rehabilitation, reintegration, deterrence); (3) The History of the Penitentiary and Correctional Ideologies in Canada; (4) Conditional Release Programs: Parole, Temporary Absences and Statutory Release; (5) Probation (profile of probationers’ age, race and gender; does probation work?); (6) Women and Corrections (programs and services, risks and needs, Federally sentenced women and their children). Each chapter contains a summary and discussion questions. The book also considers the future of corrections in Canada, including private prisons and technology. Figures, notes, tables, references, glossary, indexes


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