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Corrections 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
134 pages
Corrections statistics for 1980 describe Denmark's inmates, corrections staffing, inmate programs, and the general organization of the corrections system. The inmate population and prison capacities are covered, as is prison construction activity.
A restructuring of the corrections organization put the director immediately under the Minister of Justice. Several issues in corrections received much media attention during the year: the need for 400 additional places in overcrowded prisons, the increasing crime rate, and, particularly, the increase in drug abuse. Statistics for the year present number of correctional staff persons by type of job, age, and type of institution. Inmate statisics cover admissions and releases, as well as probation and parole and community corrections. They give the numbers of inmates by institution, sentence length, offense type, and age. The statistics also describe the use of disciplinary actions during the year (including solitary confinement) and escape activity. Special attention is given to narcotics use among inmates. Data also cover prison industry production, inmate programs and recreational opportunities, and religious programs. Finally, the organization of the Danish corrections system is described. Separate statistics are given for corrections in Greenland a directory of institutions community corrections, and the department of corrections offices is included.