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Correctional Treatment Programs for Adult Offenders: Current State of Affairs and Possibilities for Innovation

NCJ Number
T.F.C. Fischer; W.J.M. Captein; B.W.C. Zwirs
Date Published
250 pages
This study examined correctional treatment programs for adult offenders in the Netherlands.
Major findings from this study include the following: the current available set of treatment programs for adult offenders in the Netherlands address important criminogenic needs of offenders such as inadequate social and problem-solving skills, a pro-criminal attitude, problematic drug or alcohol use, and impulsivity; and three types of needs are not being adequately addressed by these programs - structural needs, needs concerning personal relations, and psychological problems. This study examined the effectiveness of three current correctional treatment programs provided by probation organizations in the Netherlands. Data for the study were obtained from a large variety of sources that included previous studies and internal memoranda of the probation organizations, documentation on the correctional treatment programs, databases on offenders who had participated in the programs, interviews with staff members from the probation organizations, and a review of the scientific literature. The study investigated whether the treatment programs were successful at meeting the criminogenic needs of program participants, which groups of offenders were not being reached by these programs, and which evidence-based innovations are identified in the literature as being available for to assist the groups of offenders not participating in the correctional treatment programs. The findings indicate that while the current programs meet most of the needs of the program participants, improvements still need to be made to expand participation in the program. References

Sale Source
Boom Juridische Unitgevers (Royal Boom Publishers)

PO Box 1050, 7940 KB Meppel The Netherlands, Netherlands

Publication Format
Book (Softbound)
Publication Type
Research (Applied/Empirical)
English Summary