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Correctional Treatment and the Human Spirit (From Correctional Counseling and Rehabilitation, Fourth Edition, P 3-22, 2000, Patricia Van Voorhis, Michael Braswell, et al. -- See NCJ-183019)

NCJ Number
Michael Braswell
Date Published
20 pages
More than any specific systematic approach to treating offenders, the quality and credibility of relationships that offenders have with treatment staff and significant others have the greatest correctional influence; this chapter provides an overview of an experiential model (PACTS), which is offered as a catalyst for exploring the positive potential of the human spirit in correctional relationships (Braswell and Seay, 1984).
PACTS is an acronym for paradox, absurdity, choosing, transcending, and significant emerging. These five themes of existence follow in sequence to some extent and attempt to help the counselor and offender better understand the mind and heart in terms of both their internal feelings and their external actions. This approach is experience based rather than expertise based. The focus is on the experience at the center of the relationship between counselor and offender, not on the expertise of the counselor, who can hold such a relationship at arm's length. "Paradox" addresses the issue of "when things are not what they seem"; "absurdity" pertains to "when life doesn't add up" or "when my world is out of control"; "commitment" refers to "deciding to try to change and persevering in my efforts"; "transcending" focuses on "trying to accept responsibility for where I am, but at the same time having a vision of where I can be"; and "significant emerging" involves "understanding more clearly the costs of the choices I am making and making more meaningful and positive choices." The purpose of the PACTS model is to help correctional counselor and client become more informed and aware of the directions in which our choosing leads us. Key concepts and terms and discussion questions are provided.


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