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Correctional Technology Update

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Dated: (May/June 1991) Pages: 12-14,16-18
J E Murphy
Date Published
6 pages
The field of corrections has failed to make use of even the limited information available about technology which has been generated in recent years.
There are jail administrators who are unaware of equipment which has been on the market for many years and those who seemingly buy anything they can afford in an effort to solve all their problems. The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) plan to develop a guide to address the need of correctional administrators, managers, and planners to understand corrections-related technology, to be more active in the selection of technological systems and assessment of recommended applications, and to provide criteria for decisions concerning the application of such systems provides a long-awaited ray of hope. For 20 years, the Law Enforcement Standards Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology has prepared equipment standards, testing protocols, reports, and guides for equipment and materials for the police. It seems the major reason that the representatives of jails and prisons have not had a similar resource is that in contrast to the police they fail to speak with one voice. The users must be involved if meaningful and viable standards are to be developed for use in detention and corrections.