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Correctional Service Canada Strategic Direction

NCJ Number
Date Published
40 pages
The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Strategic Direction provides an assessment of factors that affect the future of the CSC and its action plans for the next five years.
It is divided into five parts: environmental setting, program setting, strategic framework, corporate direction, and status report. The environmental setting section examines factors within the criminal justice, government, and public sectors which will impact on the CSC. These include legislation affecting offender's rights and procedural fairness, inmate population, and offender profile as well as decreased government funding, program delivery, and public demands for more aggressive law enforcement, harsher sentences, and greater control over conditional release of offenders. A set of correctional values are defined in order to provide consistent and appropriate direction in the fulfillment of the mission of CSC in the second section. Four broad objectives are identified in the strategic framework as the basis of the future of Federal corrections: offender management, accountability, personnel management, and improved communications. The specifics of these objectives are articulated in the corporate direction section. The status report contains a summary of progress on the 20 objectives listed by the 1987 Corporate Direction.