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Correctional Officer's Role in Mental Health Treatment of Youthful Offenders

NCJ Number
Issues in Mental Health Nursing Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Dated: 2001 Pages: 173-180
Carol Holt MSN
Date Published
8 pages
This paper explored issues related to the provision of effective mental health treatment for juvenile offenders within justice departments.
This paper examined the expansion of the treatment team and the correctional officer's role in the provision of mental health treatment of youthful offenders. The multifaceted treatment approach in this setting was seen as needing to include correctional officers, as well as the mental health and medical professionals. The need for more treatment services could be addressed by expanding the treatment team beyond licensed providers. It was seen within reason to have trained correctional staff serve as adjunct treatment staff in the correctional facilities while still fulfilling their security functions. The challenge for correctional and mental health professionals to promote positive change in juvenile offenders during their incarceration requires more than cross training efforts. Organizational structures designed to control juveniles need to be reconfigured to maximize positive outcomes. The utilization of correctional officers as part of the treatment team capitalizes on every opportunity to promote change due to the direct interaction they have with the juvenile offender. References

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America