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Correctional Industries Handbook for Line Supervisors

NCJ Number
Date Published
238 pages
This handbook, designed for correctional industry line supervisors, provides an overview of how correctional industries operate and includes a final test that corresponds to handbook sections.
The handbook is intended to serve as a guide to basic business principles that apply in correctional industries, such as management in correctional settings, production management, quality control, and safety. The first of nine handbook sections deals with management in correctional settings and emphasizes security issues, incentives, and benefits. The next section looks at inmate supervision skills and focuses on inmate personnel procedures, probationary periods, counseling, time management, inmate worker evaluation, management reports, and stress management. Subsequent sections examine training and financial management skills, procurement, production management, quality control, safety and sanitation, and marketing and sales. The handbook describes the philosophy, general organization, and management of correctional industries and provides technical information on industry production and operations. References and charts