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Correctional Education in the People's Republic of China

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1989) Pages: 64-69
B H Hobler
Date Published
6 pages
This article reports on the correctional educational system in the People's Republic of China as observed by a U.S. delegation engaged in a criminal justice exchange.
The United States delegation visited several juvenile and adult prisons in six major cities in China and found that China's recidivism rate is 4.7 percent and that prisons are not crowded. Prison escapes are rare. The Chinese interpret rehabilitation as reform, which includes education, labor, and ideological instruction. The goal of prisoner reform is self-improvement, and a rigorous post-prison follow-up program exists to ensure that the prisoner's self-improvement is permanent. The article includes a partial transcript of a meeting between the United States delegation and officials of the Beijing Municipal Prison as well as a report on China's juvenile correction system. The relative effectiveness of the Chinese and American rehabilitative systems is discussed and the article concludes that China has the most effective correctional system in the modern world. 4 references.