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Correctional Education Association Survey: The Use of Technology in the Education Process

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 41 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1990) Pages: 74-77
A W Freasier
Date Published
4 pages
A survey of the Correctional Education Association (CEA) membership focused on interest in a new technology education section in "The Journal of Correctional Education," kinds of computers used for educational purposes, the interest in specific aspects of learning technology, personal favorite software packages, the primary source for the cost of computer hardware/software, and personal opinions on the new technology section content.
Survey results indicate that CEA members are interested in a new technological education section in the journal. They do not desire theoretical/statistical research papers rather than practice, information on high-priced programs or peripherals, reviews of old programs, or just a catalog listing. CEA members primarily use Apple computers, but many use IBM, IBM compatibles, and Commodores/Amigas. They are, therefore, interested in software reviews for more than one brand of computer. Members want information about funding sources, practical education applications/advice, public domain program sources, and information exchange of interest to various disciplines. 5 figures.


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